SCAI – How to select arbitrators and mediators?

Evento gratuito - Requiere inscripción previa This webinar will provide parties, counsel and party appointed arbitrators with tips on how to select arbitrators and mediators to ensure efficient and effective dispute resolution proceedings, as well as explain how arbitration and mediation institutions make their appointments. The speakers will also present the revised Rules of the

CLA Virtual 2021 – XII Conferencia Latinoamericanca de Arbitraje


Inscripción al: Thursday 3rd 1:15 pm Start José Antonio Moreno Rodríguez 1:20 pm Opening conference Alexis Mourre (Francia)    Present: Diego P. Fernández Arroyo 2:00 pm Is there a Latin American Arbitration? (for better or worse) Katherine González Arrocha (ciudad de Panamá) Alfredo Bullard (Lima) Dyalá Jiménez Figueres (San José) Eduardo Silva Romero (París)